
Oh "development"

"Adventure Capitalist" Jim Rogers wrote in his book that you learn more about a country from a hooker than from a politician.  I don't plan on befriending hookers, but the man has a point. What better way to know the ills of society than by speaking to someone living in it.  I've met people that work for the United States government aid organization, USAID.  They are on assignment pushing paper while living at places like The Himawari. It's a five star resort. That's right fellow American citizens, your tax paying dollars are going to a good cause-- swimming pools and rooms service. No doubt their work is contributing to the "development" of the country though. Somehow I don't think they come across too many "hookers" or Khmer people that actually show them what's going on in this country. Then again, back home we define America by what is going on Wall Street, Capitol Hill, Hollywood and our Facebook Feed.  We don't walk to the corner of a city and chill out with the homeless guy (unless you are Sebastian). 

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