
Cambodia Caricatures

I've decided that there are 5 types of Expats in Cambodia:

1. Those who spend time shuffling back and forth in tuk-tuks between spas, restaurants, nightclubs and the airport.  Their interactions with locals is limited to their cook, driver, and house cleaner.

2. Those who work for non-profit organizations, schools, or businesses that allow them more interaction with Khmer colleagues, students, and friends. They take language lessons, travel out to the province once in a while, and enjoy a good Khmer meal now and then. We (Because I feel like I could possibly fall into this category more so than the rest) also like massages, coffee shops, and cheap DVDs. 

3. Those who prefer the local and avoid the fellow expatriate as much as possible. They tend to enjoy entering the dark dens of unknown worlds, or at least have the guts to disappear into the slums, brothels, or provinces. Sometimes they are Mormon.

4. Rich Asians that send their kids to private schools were they study in English instead of Chinese or Korean. 

5. Nigerians.   I met my first in-country Nigerian the other day at the market. His name was Eddie.  In between the rows of clothes stalls at Russian Market, he fulfilled all stereotypes involving asking my name, number, and address AND he was even wearing a Manchester United Football jersey. I half contemplated asking him his number and address and whether his occupation involved computer scams or drug deals. 

I hate generalizing, but really that's it. Five types of expats, all living, breathing, and spending in a Prime Minister Hun Sen approved expat bubble.  

1 comment:

  1. HA Meli, your Nigerian comment made me laugh out loud in the library. Good to know you're keeping your wits and humor about you.
