
where is my religion?

I went to an Evangelical Church this morning. I guess you could say I went because my roommate was going, but it was really more out of curiosity. In the back of my mind I could hear the crooning coming out of Evangelical churches in Guatemala and I wanted to see if it was the same here.   Three steps into the air -conditioned worship area and well… no crooning. It was by far the best singing I have yet encountered in Cambodia. Plasma screens with Jesus songs written in Khmer and a rock band center stage. I didn’t know church could be this fun. Don’t worry Mom… I didn’t convert over to Evangelism, all the singing, clapping, and head banging didn’t win me over. Maybe if there had been crowd-surfing….

Just Kidding. Putting aside how completely nuts the thing was, I do have to say this… On a purely cultural level, there need to be more things like this for Cambodians. I don’t know what they are preaching, but there was natural sense of community there that is missing from the general society.  Maybe we need to get the monks some rock band guitars.

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