
The Adventure of a Lifetime

So one day, during my final and last week in Cambodia I went exploring...

Tim is my partner in crime and we decided to take a moto trip across the country from Kampong Thom to Preah Vihear, some Angkorian temples on the border with Thailand that are "heavily" (but not really) militarized with Cambodian troops. Thanks to his GPS and our rented Honda moto, our sore butts bumped up and down along 500+ kilometers through dirt-roads, among blue-pyjama-clad Chinese construction workers, jungle forests, and steep mountains before we ended up at the temples, a.k.a the top of the world. The adventure would be incomplete without a run-in with a funny-looking old Khmer that burst out of the jungle in high-speed and splash-landed in a creek we couldn't cross (on our way to an Indiana Jones Preah Khan temple), a visit to Pol Pot's grave (i.e. evil dictator responsible for the genocide 1975-1979), dinner at a girly bar-restaurant where the waitresses blushed every time they came near Tim, a diet of 3 cans of coke (each) per day, and the realization that one should never look for romantic sunsets or you will miss them. Four times.  It was nothing less than the adventure of a lifetime and the perfect ending to my time in Cambodia.  I'll let the pictures tell the story:

GPS Navigation check: Yep... We're still in Cambodia...

Coming across some young Buddhist monks...

Making friends w/ Kids watching Chinese Construction workers build a road...

This kind-looking old man crash-landed his moto into a creek! (We decided not to cross the creek)

Sideways view of Northern Cambodia...

Transporting Cambodia...

Not an easy road...


and partner in crime...

Making friends w/ Cambodian soldiers... SMILE!


POL POT'S Cremation site...

Even more photos can be found at:  Adventure trip w/ Johnny Quest to Preah Vihear

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