
In an (almost) quarter-life

25 Things I've learned, after an (almost) quarter life, with an experiential year in Cambodia:  

1.  Always listen, then speak. 
2.  Living with others is better than living alone. 
3.  Only you can find happiness, but it takes more than one to live happily.
4.  I still hate cooking. If I ever enjoy it, it probably wasn't cooking. 
5. Letting go is the healthiest thing to do. 
6. It's not you, it's them.
7. It's not them, it's you.
8. Smiling is better than haggling.
9.  Looking for Indiana Jones or James Bond really means you want to be Indiana Jones or James Bond.       Be who you want to be
10. Surround yourself with good people.
11. The question will always be, "Now What?"
12. Save the planet. 
13. Real tests are physical, mental, and emotional.
14. Surprise people, but better yet... Surprise yourself.
15. Adventure means not knowing what comes next, and being okay with that. (That means, avoiding sleepless nights or worrying about resume submissions).
16. Avoid people that make you feel like shit.
17. Things don't last. Memories do, but they fade into hazy dreams. Exist Simply.
18. Live out childhood dreams. Then find new ones...
19. Life is movement by any means.
20. Find the ones who care.
21. The middle class has the real power for change, but T.V., fast-food, and enclosed spaces get in the way.
22. I'm not as scared of [insert whatever here] anymore.
23. The people you love, you'll want to see again. And again.
24. A future depends on silence, actions, and words. Learn to use the right one at the right time.
25. It's okay...  Nothing is certain... Not everything you do should have a purpose. *

(*Okay, I cheated on the last one. You got 2 more bonus points.)


  1. Your list is so cool...thanks for the reminder...luv u.

  2. Really really like it!!!

  3. Gracias, Mel. Siempre me fascina tus adventuras y pensamientos.
