
When Things Finally Start Coming Together...

Saturday was an interesting day... 

To start with, I went into the Rock Production office on Monivong to sign my new job contract! Yay!!!!!  My official title is "Media Marketing and Distribution Officer"... What this basically means is that I will be in charge of marketing and selling our documentary film(s) (production and interviews in process on the first one)  to the international film festivals and media community.  The documentary we are working on is titled "Impunity" and is on child rape and murder cases in Cambodia.  My managing director is a feisty Korean woman married to a quiet Norwegian who works on the engineering and distribution of water filters with a non-profit (Hagar International) and who is responsible for putting me in contact with this job possibility.  Funny how you move across the world to try your hand out in another industry and end up right back in Media/Entertainment.    Interestingly, the company I will be working for also produces dramas, music videos, and T.V. commercials, and manages about 24 stars.   Rock Production is part of the larger portfolio of Royal Group (Telecoms, IT, Finance, Media & Entertainment including broadcast network, Hotels & Resorts, and Property Development). http://royalgroup.com.kh/who-we-are/
Even more interesting, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Royal Group are two Cambodian brothers that are as different as night and day if you catch my drift...  Adds a little spice to the working life in the developing world.  Seeing as I will be getting my resident Visa and Business work permit in the next few weeks, I will be officially joining the ranks of the expatriate, following in my family's footsteps in a strange turn of events.

Yesterday morning I also met Wayne, who runs "Democrats Abroad" in Cambodia.  Fittingly, we met at USA Donuts (real donuts not Cambodian fake fried- in-oil donuts) and we proceeded to converse in this tiny donut shop and surrounded by his cute little Cambodian nephews, about the politics behind Americans living abroad and the rights they have, don't have (i.e. if you are not working for the government or for a US multinational overseas, you are basically seen in the eyes of American law as second-class citizens).  Anyways, Wayne (older, blond American decked out in a Floridian button shirt) is an immigration lawyer and has been in Cambodia 9 years (married to a local now), has worked in the communications and film industry in CA, and passed the Foreign Service exam for fun. Oh, and he also went to high school with Obama and met him in the Oval Office a couple of months ago after Obama was inducted.  Needless to say, Wayne is a great guy to know.  Clearly a busy man, he needs help running Democrats Abroad and offered me the volunteer position of "Media Contact" for the organization.  This means I would get the media releases straight from D.C. and would be in charge of contacting the press here when releasing statements and speaking on behalf of Obama.   Just kidding.  I can't ever directly comment on what the President "thinks" or "says."  I think this would be a pretty cool opportunity for me to get back into politics and be directly connected to D.C. as well as overseas issues affecting Americans living abroad and helping greet delegations that come to Cambodia... I also get to man the booth at the Embassy 4th of July party, so yay for another new exciting opportunity and hot-dogs and hamburgers in about a month LOL.

A couple of final things...

1.   Tuesday I will be moving into Micaela's (Italian friend) apt. right on the river on Sisowath Quay whilst she is away and I can look for something more permanent.  I'm also excited to be living here because just yesterday I met an Indonesian girl (U.N. Lawyer working on the Khmer Rouge tribunal) who will be my neighbor while I'm living at Micaela's... Yay for more new friends!

2.  I learned how to drive an electric moto yesterday and it's FUN... Wonder how long I will be able to resist purchasing one (with helmet)...

3.  I turn 24 on Monday.  Happy Memorial Day!




  1. Happy belated!! Finally reading some of your most recent entries - sounds like you're having some great adventures. Hope your new roomies can measure up after me and Sebas haha. Congrats on the job!!
